Keith Everett

Keith Everett

Keith Everett

Start Your Journey with Keith & Be Inspired.

My Books

Dare To Live Your Dream

Millionaire Mind Crush

How To Write A Book


Self-Publishing Secrets

Keith has done it again. You have a book idea inside you, but don’t know how to go about it? This book is your answer. You could pay thousands to take a course or spend some time reading Self-Publishing Secrets and learn.

This book covers everything you need from topic research to organization to access to various tools that you will need. You get tips on marketing, book covers, copyright, sales, getting reviews, and eventually selling off your publishing business.

It is time for you to write that book. Read this book now and then get to write your own! – Michale A. Witles

Millionaire Mind Crush

“OMG! I was captivated just reading the introduction. Keith tells an incredible personal story of how he overcame a money event that would floor most of us.

The book then goes on to explore our “Dark Corridors” and how our mindset can overcome and make us invincible. So many practical tips and great ideas as well as being entertaining. Brilliant!”. – Tina Sibley


How To Write A Book

Keith did a fantastic job of including all the nitty-gritty details that go into writing a publishing a book.

After reading this book, even the most novice of beginners should be able to apply these techniques and tips and be able to write and publish their own book on any topic of their choice.

Keith describes the different genres of books and gives a lot of ideas of what you could write about. So put on your thinking caps and give it a shot! Who knows, you may be the next Best Selling Author on Amazon!!! – Donna Pickering


Keith Everett is from England, UK. He is a full-time content creator and author. Keith is also known as a serial entrepreneur, personal development coach, and blogger. He has had multiple companies, both online and offline, spanning a period of more than 40 years.

Keith loves to help people create better lives for themselves and for their families. One of his favorite sayings is “Always remain teachable”. You can connect with him via his blog at Or for regular book updates and a free gift, go to:

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